Friday, January 8, 2010

Burn Motherfucker Burn

A church is burnt.
A religion is mocked.
An ego is hurt.
A stone is thrown.

And so the vicious cycle begins anew.
It's funny really.
One moment we're all holding hands celebrating the new year. The next we're pointing fingers (probably still attached to those same hands), and flinging shit.

Ah humans, when will you decide to evolve.

See, it's not so much the violence I can't tolerate. Hell, I'd even fucking encourage it.
It's the damned emptiness of said violence that I abhor.

Just hear me out here.
What are the reason for these so called attacks?

"How dare you use the name of Allah. How dare you try to steal our god?!"

Well, come now. I didn't know one could actually steal names. Does this mean I get to burn every mother fucker named Alexis in this world.

" Hi there stranger. My name is Alexis, what's yours?"
"My name is fuck you name stealer. Come along now to this little petrol kiosk nearby..."

Yeah, we've heard this one before. Someone else takes over the government of a place, and the opposition decides to cause a little "civil unrest" within the boundaries of the ruling party.

"Okay, its like this, we burn a few churches, and blame the Muslims, then we can come in to save the day!!!"
"Uh, wait. Aren't we muslims as well? And uh, aren't those churches also indirectly proclaiming our god as their god as well?"
"Shit man. You are so stupid. We are Malay la, not Muslim...."

No education?
"We are mat-motors, so let's do something truly grand and burn a fuckin church down!!!"
"Eh, how about we drink the kerosene instead and get high?"
"ye, tak ye jugak kan. Okay jom!"

This country has some serious issues. And frankly I shouldn't give a good god damn about it. Or rather i shouldn't give a good Allah damn about it. (Yeah, fuck you church burners. Come get me.)
But i find myself surrounded by friends and family who do give a damn about it, and i am then compelled to give a shit. Not to mention the fact that for all this time I've been considered the fuckin Anti-Christ and now suddenly I'm suppose to be the champion of god ( i ain't kidding you, already 3 people have asked me, "Eh so, if something goes wrong you are gonna fight on our side right???) Your assumptions make an ass out of you and me. And Assumption Church as well apparently.

You know what? Fuck you. Yeah you who asked me to help your religion out. Yeah you who burned a fucking church. And who could forget you, you fucking politician. And you too blog reader, who's been agitated all day to do something about the whole situation, so much so that you decide to go online and find people who have similar opponions to your own. Fuck you.

That's right. If you felt so strongly about the subject, why the hell are you reading this shit? Why don't you go out there and do something? I've already done my part. I'm fanning the flames with this post, AND i managed to punch a Malay just now. That's at least 50 points for me.

You wanna top me? Go burn a mosque.
Then come back here in a day and read this same fuckin article from the top, cause it's about you.


  1. good on you... finally got a blog... a good channel to release some flame eh? haha

  2. Yeah it is man. Don't really give a damn if anyone reads this shit. But its just nice to write unhindered...

  3. that is the same opening statement & description i had on mine. " i use this place to release, you can call it "pee pee". it's a breathing space for my overly crowded mind."...."i'm not into popularity contest." write more dude. :)

  4. Cheers e2werks. Thanks for the compliment.
